Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Energy Balls

I came across a recipe on Pinterest one day recently, but I can't remember where I saved it to...and now I can't find it to give the proper credit to whomever I got the general idea from, but these little protein packed energy balls are super yummy and a great little snack for before or after a good workout!


1/2 cup Jif Reduced Fat Peanut Butter 760
1 cup dry oatmeal (I used an off brand but I think oats are pretty much...oats!) 300
1/3 cup coconut flakes (again I used the store brand) 94
1/4 cup honey 256
1 tsp vanilla

Mix all ingredients together and form into small bite size balls. I would reccomend quartering the mix after you've mixed it together, so you can measure out about 20 balls (5 balls for every quarter of the mixture).

Each ball (if you make 20) is about 70 calories and about 2 g of protein. You can easily eat 2-3 of these before or after a workout for a great source of protein and something sweet too!

Don't forget to STRETCH!

I really never appreciated stretching until I became an adult.

You see, as a young girl when I was a cheerleder, and played basketball and volleyball for a short time... I was always forced to stretch by my coaches, but I never thought it did anything for me. Now as an adult, I've had to learn the hard way that stretching is for real people! :P

Not that long ago, I was gearing up to do some cross fit workouts one night at home...and completely forgot to stretch. About 100 squats in, I realized my quads were starting to really hurt. Needless to say, for the next two days I had to take the stairs at my work one at a time. How fun!

So remember to strech before you do any kind of work out. It really is important!